29 January, 2010

The Weather-2

I have a lack of photos because the days have been dark and dreary, cold and misty. Not really an environment for wonderful photos, and not a good environment to walk around and stare at historical sites. I leave French class, eat something and do my homework, which brings me to 2:30.  I come back, check my stocks and email and it is almost 4. By the time I feel like hitting the streets again, its 5:30 and totally dark.

I realize I am obsessed with the weather, but in my mind's (mind?) eye, I pictured Paris as somewhere south, for example Florida, but with more history. Even in Wisconsin it is light by 8am in late December and here it is still dark until 8:30, which means it must be on a latitude somewhere with Canada. Of course the gulf stream makes it warmer than Canada, but with global warming, or whatever you want to call it for the northern countries, who knows how long the warmth from the gulf stream will last.

The French keep saying they have never seen it so cold, if 32, 30, and 26 can be considered drastically cold. However, there is an icy quality I have never felt in the snowy Wisconsin weather. It goes through all layers of your clothes and takes hours to warm yourself up. If the French are a little testy that might very well be the reason.

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